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St. Faustinus

Name: St. Faustinus
Date: 15 February

Faustinus and Jovita were brothers, nobly born, and were zealous professors of the Christianreligion, which they preached without fear in their city of Brescia in Lombardy, during thepersecution of Adrian. Their remarkable zeal excited the fury of the heathens against them, andprocured them a glorious death for their faith.

Faustinus, a priest, and Jovita, a deacon, were preaching the Gospel fearlessly in the region whenJulian, a pagan officer, apprehended them. They were commanded to adore the sun, but repliedthat they adored the living God who created the sun to give light to the world. The statue beforewhich they were standing was brilliant and surrounded with golden rays. Saint Jovita, looking atit, cried out: “Yes, we adore the God reigning in heaven, who created the sun. And you, vainstatue, turn black, to the shame of those who adore you!” At his word, it turned black. TheEmperor commanded that it be cleaned, but the pagan priests had hardly begun to touch it whenit fell into ashes.

The two brothers were sent to the amphitheater to be devoured by lions, but four of those cameout and lay down at their feet. They were left without food in a dark jail cell, but Angels broughtthem strength and joy for new combats. The flames of a huge fire respected them, and a largenumber of spectators were converted at the sight. Finally sentenced to decapitation, they kneltdown and received the death blow. The city of Brescia honors them as its chief patrons andpossesses their relics, and a very ancient church in that city bears their names.

Sources: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on Butler’s Lives of the Saints

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