
A Community of Love, Unity and Service

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Easter Concert At Holy Trinity Kileleshwa

5 May 2019
Come and enjoy an afternoon of Easter Songs as we celebrate the Risen Christ. Performances by Holy Trinity Kileleshwa Choirs and some surprise guest choirs. Entrance is free. Concert will take place inside the Church.

Come and enjoy an afternoon of Easter Songs as we celebrate the Risen Christ. Performances by Holy Trinity Kileleshwa Choirs and some surprise guest choirs. Entrance is free. Concert will take place inside the Church.

Daily Mass

       Monday-Friday 6:45AM & 6:00PM  
       Confession 30min before each Mass  
       Saturday  9.00AM & 5:00PM  
       The 5:00PM Mass on Saturday is the Sunday Mass for the following day  
       Kiswahili mass  7:00AM  
       Early morning mass  8:30AM  
       Mid morning mass  10:15AM  
       Children's Mass  10:15AM  
       Noon Mass  12:00PM  
       Evening Mass  5:00PM  
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